In Fingal Volunteer Centre we are always interested in hearing from volunteers and capturing the
essence of volunteering by getting feedback about their volunteer experience.
Take a look and see what volunteers are saying about their volunteer experience

Volunteer Role: Helena – Community Volunteers
Since April 11, 2024, when we started in the Garden, it has been a very good experience because we have found people who, due to their simplicity and dedication, do their work in a simple and dedicated way.
Since we started in the Garden, it has been a very good experience because we have found people who, due to their simplicity and dedication, do their work in a simple and dedicated way. We have been able to observe that in the Garden it does not matter your origin, your language, your nationality or your economic situation… The only thing that matters is your desire to do something for nature, for the care and beautification of the community through the production of flowers, local fauna or the life of the agents that help pollination and the development of healthy, friendly, sustainable and welcoming meeting centers… Plant carrots, onions, lettuces… help care for flowers, moisten the earth and share with people with whom it is shared is a unique experience, the joy it brings cannot be described because it gives you mental peace, spiritual peace, moral peace… which to some extent is what those of us who participate in volunteer work seek to help build a world. better, more humane, more just and fraternal… Find solidarity, friendship, the desire to have a space in which you can strive and relax, be grateful and enjoy the fruits that the earth produces and makes grow… with the work that It dignifies people and makes them feel necessary, useful and supportive.
Thank you to the entire Glass Community Garden Team for the opportunity to share with them, to learn from them, to laugh with them and to feel part of a community that offers well-being, joy and emotional stability. Thank you for your dedication, dedication and effective coordination so that we can all share and contribute a little community well-being.

Volunteer Role: Jacqueline – Community Volunteers
1. What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering as a Community Volunteer?
That I like volunteer work and get great personal satisfaction from it while hopefully helping others in some small way.
2. What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering?
To join and to give it a go – sign up for one or two events and see how you feel after doing them.
3. What is your favourite part of volunteering as a Community Volunteer?
Just stepping outside of my comfort zone, engaging with new people, and participating in events I would otherwise not do and feeling I can help people and contribute to something very worthwhile.
4. Why did you want to become a Community Volunteer?
To help in any way I could and to gain new experiences. I felt it would be a productive, rewarding way to use some of my spare time to (which it is!).
5. Would you recommend volunteering as a Community Volunteer to others?
Yes, absolutely!

Volunteer Role: Desmond Aghahowa – Fingal Volunteer Centre
1. What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering?
Personally, I have learned to be more thoughtful, empathetic, and how best to connect people with opportunities which has and still is very fulfilling.
2. What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering?
Just go for it! There are a ton of volunteering opportunities been offered so my advice is to find something that resonates with you as an individual and enjoy the process!
3. What is your favourite part of volunteering?
For me, it is the feeling of being part of something bigger! It is almost inexplainable. However, I truly love being able to connect with different persons which is what I love.
4. Why did you want to volunteer?
I decided to volunteer so I can give back to my community in my own little way.
Anyhow I can make the world a better place I am always up for such and through being a volunteer, I am able to achieve this.
5. Would you recommend volunteering to others?
Most definitely I will and have already done so. The important thing is to find out a cause you are passionate about and then follow through with it.

Volunteer Role: Helena Collazo- Fingal Volunteer Centre
1. What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering?
The great thing about volunteering is that you get to learn lots of new skills and meet lots of like-minded people. With each new role that I take on I learn something new and that it really something that I look forward to with each role.
It has also been fantastic to learn how much work is done by volunteers within our community. From Tidy Towns to pet fostering, Board management, services for the elderly and the disabled, it is incredible the amount of work done by volunteers every single week.
2. What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering?
Just do it! Pick a role that you have an affinity with or an interest in. Or maybe a cause or an activity that you feel you could contribute to. Then work out your availability, whether you would like to take on something that is a once-off, short-term or a long-term role and go for it. You definitely will not regret it.
3. What is your favourite part of volunteering?
My favourite part of volunteering is feeling that I am helping out an organisation or a charity who work hard to help our community and to make people’s lives better.
I also enjoy meeting new people, having new experiences and learning a new
4. Why did you want to volunteer?
Volunteering is something that I have always wanted to do but felt that I never had the time. I have always wanted to volunteer in a community-based role where I could contribute my skills to an organisation.
Within the last year I’ve just really thrown
myself at it and I am so glad that I did, as I find it to be such a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
5. Would you recommend volunteering to others?
I would absolutely recommend volunteering! It is an amazing way to support our community and you honestly get as much out of it as you put into it.

Volunteer Role: Mae Ann – the Howth Maritime & Seafood Festival and The Letter writing campaign
What does your volunteering role entail?
Volunteered at the Howth Maritime & Seafood Festival and Sending letter to brighten the day of those residents in a nursing home.
What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering?
Volunteer work is close to my heart because this is my way of reaching people to connect, engage and collaborate. I learnt that my time, skills and talent, it may be the smallest action I can make, but it brings significance to my life alongside meeting with different people from various backgrounds makes volunteer fulfilling.
What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering?
Know your passion and advocacy. Ask yourself these two questions: 1. How can I make significance to people’s lives? 2. Where I want to spend my free time, that makes a difference.
- There are a lot of benefits when volunteering, but one thing that motivates me….
What is your favourite part of volunteering?
Because I am new to the community, so this is an opportunity for me to connect, make new friends and boost my social skills. My favourite part is to expose myself to people with common interests and experience various activities that are fulfilling and enjoyable. Volunteer is an experience that I will never forget.
Why did you want to volunteer?
I volunteer because I believe in the power of connection and when I get involved great things happened, and I am inspired by this quote from Elizabeth Andrews and I quote “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.”
How are you managing your role (volunteering) during the COVID19?
I continue my online volunteer work during the COVID-19 by facilitating webinar and attending workshop/training.
Would you recommend volunteering to others?
I encourage everyone to volunteer. We need each other to support our community. There is so much to learn and share with. When you volunteer, you are sharing your time, skills and in return, you will feel good about yourself, because of the new people you meet or you’ve talked with, the story you’ve heard or learned. You’ll never know, you might meet the right man or woman you are waiting for for a long time, if you are single. Or you inspire a fellow volunteer with your interesting experience. You can network with others to exchange ideas of whom have a wealth of expertise. Volunteering is not a waste of time, it’s time fulfilling.

Volunteer Role: John Davis – Delivery man
What does your volunteering role entail?
- My main role is to deliver prescriptions for Sheridans Pharmacy, Roselawn Shopping Centre every day but I also
find myself shopping, and going to the post office. Sometimes I am the only person these people see all day long.
What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering?
- In these unsettling times, I find it very rewarding being able to help vulnerable people.
What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering
- If you feel you have something to offer, no matter how small, offer your services.
What is your favourite part of volunteering?
- My favourite part of volunteering is having a chat and a bit of banter with the customers. They tell me about their families, the children and the grandchildren they haven’t seen and how much they are looking forward to this pandemic being over.
Why did you want to volunteer?
- I just thought that if my parents were alive I would like them to be able to have someone to get their shopping and medical requirements, so for me it was a no brainer to get involved straight away.
How are you managing your role (volunteering) during the COVID19?
- I’m coping quite well as it stands. My Company Parts for Cars had to let me go but when they heard I had volunteered to do deliveries they donated the company van and fuel it each week in order to do my deliveries. I am extremely greatful for their gesture as is Sheridans Pharmacy.
Would you recommend volunteering to others?
- I would most definitely recommend volunteering to others. In my case I am delivering to people who are ill, who require medical attention and are cocooning. These people helped shape our country, they worked hard all their lives and it is a great honour to play a small part in looking after them in this unusual time.
- My favourite part of volunteering is to know that what you do can make such a big difference

Volunteer Role: Ronan – Administrator with Balbriggan Self Isolation Volunteers
What does your volunteering role entail?
- I helped set up the volunteer groups in Balbriggan & Skerries as I was aware of a
What does your volunteering role entail?
- A variety of people with critical health conditions prior to the crisis who would benefit from being in an area with as little social contact as possible. Furthermore after hearing from people who’ve been in contact with us after setting up the group, the community of people with medical complications have driven us to help them out in way possibleI helped set up the volunteer groups in Balbriggan & Skerries as I was aware of a
- With that in mind, the concept of creating a team environment with multiple other locals was brought about & we managed to find an incredible response of local people in Balbriggan willing to help us out.
From every stage that we’ve set up the group, it has been a team of volunteers who have set out what we could accomplish by working together. And from a personal perspective it has been great to meet so many new great willing to contribute their time & energy to help provide an extra layer of security to those people who had to keep themselves isolated & cocooned. It’s always helped to know you can do this with people eager to share the workload & make it that much easier. I hope to think that everyone gets the praise for what they’ve done.
An administrative group was organised of Niall Keady, Laura McGrath, Myself & Emma Hanrahan, who has also been tirelessly raising money for the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation. From that we organised a strategy to make as big an impact as possible for those affected in Balbriggan. After making the call to see if anyone was interested, we went out even further with the initial leaflet drop & helping organise the teams of volunteers going round the estates, spreading the word of the volunteer group & helping do deliveries.

Volunteer Role: Shane – General DIY with L’Arche
What does your volunteering role entail?
- I have been volunteering at the L’Arche homes in Baldoyle assisting in general DIY project around the houses.
What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering?
- To appreciate my own mobility and independence, where others require assistance.
- Acknowledge how selfish I am and that there are people in this world that are nothing short of saints when it comes to generosity, empathy, and caring for another human being.
What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering?
- Just start, don’t think you need to be trained or need to be shown anything. Just show up and have a cuppa tea, even make the cuppa tea! and you are already helping out.
What is your favourite part of volunteering?
- Working in the Garden with my buddy and resident Caroline!
We have great chats and will have vegetables by the end of the summer for all to enjoy.
Why did you want to volunteer?
- I have so much, I want to give back. I want to be part of the community.
How are you managing your role (volunteering) during the COVID19?
- I work outside only, in open space and observe social distancing as best as possible.
Would you recommend volunteering to others?
- Definitely would encourage

Volunteer Role: Teresa– Letter Campaign
What does your volunteering role entail?
- The volunteering was about sending a letter once a week to elderly people who were resident in a nursing home
What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering?
- I feel it is good to think about others for time to time.
What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering?
- Try to find something they are passionate about.
What is your favourite part of volunteering?
- The process where you empathise with other people about their own situation.
Why did you want to volunteer?
- Because I realise there were vulnerable people being affected by Covid 19.
How are you managing your role (volunteering) during the COVID19?
- I dedicated two hours a week to write a letter and send it.
Would you recommend volunteering to others?
- I would certainly do. It is very regarding.

Volunteer Role: Teresa – Secretary of Swords Tidy Towns
What does your volunteering role entail?
Currently I am secretary of Swords Tidy Towns, my role entails the following:
- All of the administration work associated with a volunteer group
- Writing policy documents such as the groups constitution, volunteer management policy, child protection policy, safety statements and much more
- Arranging training for our volunteers, holding inductions for new volunteers
- Organising workshops
- Applying for funding
- Organising fundraising events, quiz nights, raffles, coffee mornings etc
- Entering competitions such as Tidy Towns, Fingal County Council competitions
- Organising committee meetings, setting the agenda and updating our project plan
- Lobbying local councillors, FCC and others for improvements in the town
- I also take time out to do some physical work such as litter picking as it makes sure I keep up to date with the group
What have you learnt most from your experience of volunteering?
- All of the people you meet in the group have a host of different talents. It is good to recognise these talents and to give members work that stimulates and interests them
- It is great to give something back to the community
- You also meet some very good friends
What advice or suggestions would you give others who want to start volunteering?
- It is good to look at the various type of volunteer work available and see what suits you, does the timing suit you?
- Best to meet the group and see if the dynamic suits you as well
What is your favourite part of volunteering?
- We are a very diverse group in Swords Tidy Towns, we have approximately 14 different nationalities volunteering with us and the age group ranges from 6-80
- For me, it is a joy to meet people from all different backgrounds and cultures
- While we work hard, there is a good social aspect to the volunteer work
Why did you want to volunteer?
- I wanted to give something back to the community
- I had taken early retirement so wanted to keep busy
- I love where I live and want to make Swords a great place to live, work and play
How are you managing your role (volunteering) during the COVID19?
- The administration work does not stop, there is always something to do
- We cannot meet during this crisis, so we are organising fortnightly quizzes on Zoom for our volunteers.
- Unfortunately, we cannot fundraise currently so that is a bit of an issue
- Our volunteers are still working individually, keeping social distancing
Would you recommend volunteering to others?
- Definitely,
- It is good exercise
- You meet new friends
- It is very satisfying to see the town improving and great when we win a competition