01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie

Participants at Volunteer Management Training

Bespoke Volunteer Management Training & Consultancy

Participants at Volunteer Management TrainingWould you like to improve Volunteer Management within your organisation?   Are you an infrastructure organisation looking for courses relevant to your members or clients? Short specific volunteer management courses allow you to pick the topics that are most relevant to you, and courses can be adapted and tailored to suit your requirements. Short courses cover one or two days and each session contains a variety of activities to suit all learning styles.

We can provide also one or more of the Volunteer Management Training sessions directly to your organisation with a minimum number of participants at a venue and time that suits or organisation, again please contact us directly and we can carry out a volunteer management training needs assessment for your organisation.  We also provide consultancy on all aspects of volunteer management.

We offer a wide range of services for organisations working with volunteers in County Fingal.  Whether you are looking for help recruiting volunteers, keeping your volunteers motivated, developing a volunteer policy or figuring out how to involve a volunteer in your organisation for the very first time, we are to help you and your organisation.  Contact us to arrange an appointment or to find out more information about our volunteer management resources.

Email us for further information.

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