Complaints Policy
Fingal Volunteer Centre is committed to providing a high quality service to volunteers and voluntary organisations using its services. We encourage feedback, both positive and negative, on all aspects of our policy and operations so that we can maintain and improve standards on an ongoing basis. If an individual or organisation chooses to make a formal complaint, we will deal with this as quickly and fairly as possible and put things right where appropriate.
For a copy of the Fingal Volunteer Centre Complaints Policy please contact Daiga Martins Borges, Fingal Volunteer Centre Manager on 01 8991921 or admin@volunteerfingal.ie
Equal Opportunities Policy
We commit ourselves to equality of opportunity for all. We recognise that in our society certain individuals and groups of people are unfairly discriminated against, both directly and indirectly. Such discrimination occurs where an individual is treated less favourably on the grounds of Gender, Marital or family status or responsibility for dependants, Disability, Race, Colour, Ethnic or national origin, Antibody status, Sexual orientation, Economic status, Age, Political or Religious belief, Membership of the Traveller community.
Fingal Volunteer Centre strives to eliminate all such forms of discrimination and to create a climate in which equal opportunities are promoted as a means of developing the full potential of everyone who is involved with our organisation. We do this by fulfilling our legal obligations and by taking positive action which goes beyond the requirements of the law, by avoiding stereotyping and tokenism.
For a copy of the Fingal Volunteer Centre Equal Opportunities Policy please contact Daiga Martins Borges, Fingal Volunteer Centre Manager, 01 8991921 or admin@volunteerfingal.ie
Volunteer Policy
Fingal Volunteer Centre (FVC) exists to promote, support and encourage volunteering and good practice in volunteering in Fingal. We recognise that in order to achieve our goals we need to involve volunteers in our own work too. It is also essential that we present a model of good practice in volunteer management.
We regard volunteers as a valuable resource and encourage them to get involved at all levels of the organisation and within all appropriate activities. We aim to train, support and supervise our volunteers to the best of our abilities, and to act quickly and fairly if difficulties arise.