THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter February 2020 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea.
Latest news from Fingal Volunteer Centre:
Our VISION is for a vibrant Irish society where every person feels connected to their community through active participation in voluntary activities. Our MISSION is to promote the value of volunteering and and increase the range and quality of volunteering in Ireland. OUTREACH PROGRAMME
You can come and meet a member of our team to discuss your volunteering options in one of the Fingal Libraries.
Open Drop-in Sessions: Balbriggan: Tues 25th Feb, 3.30pm-5pm For Appointments please telephone 01 8991921 or email Appointments must be made or cancelled at least 24 hours in advance.
QUARTERLY VOLUNTEER RAFFLE At the end of every quarter (31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December) there’ll be a raffle here in Fingal Volunteer Centre. To get your raffle ticket (or better to get your name in the raffle box…) you simply need to record your effective volunteer hours in 2020. There are various ways to record your hours:
If your name is selected you’ll be then contacted by myself or a colleague of mine to confirm your address (we post the voucher directly to your place). Trying to be fair towards everybody, each given volunteer can win the raffle only once per year. Sharing your volunteer hours allow us to keep up to date records and data on volunteering in our wide, friendly and altruistic region. Next Deadline is 31st March 2020. Have you been volunteering? In 2019 Fingal Volunteers contributed with more than 18.000 volunteer hours!! That’s a lot and it’s all because of you and your proactiveness in volunteering. Well done to all 2019 volunteers!! To support you as best as we can It’d pivotal for us to know if you got placed with the organisations you applied to on I-VOL or what. Having said so, if you register your volunteer hours you’ll automatically enter the Quarterly Volunteer Raffle (See on the left) Wait no more…and record your hours:
Volunteering in your local community is a step towards a fairer and more human society. Please check the link below to read more about the UN Sustainable development Goals. Together we can make the SDGs a reality!
Event Volunteers provide a mobile event and information service to those attending public events. As a source of information about the event, local facilities and transport links, Event Volunteers role is to make sure visitors to an event have all the information they need to enjoy their time. EventVolunteers is a joint project of Fingal Volunteer Centre and Volunteer Ireland and covers the majority of free, social or community events in Fingal County and Dublin City County.
In 2020 we’ll start back with one of the biggest event in Ireland: St.Patrick’s Parade in Swords, co. Fingal.
We’re already recruiting for the event and we’d love to involve you if you have few hours to spare on that Tuesday morning. For more info, please apply to the role and we’ll send you an email with further details:
Event Volunteers- St.Patricks Festival 2019 (Swords, 17.03.2020)
Director of Digital Marketing with Girls in Tech Dublin (From home)
Volunteer Administrator with The Kebam (Balbriggan)
Volunteer Ambassadors with The Kebam (Balbriggan)
Talent Show Assistant with The variety Show Group (Dublin 15)
Actor/Extra in Fingal Art Project with Fingal Arts Office ( Swords)
Digital Life Story Volunteer with Daughters of Charity (Dublin 7 and 15)
Gardener with Daughters of Charity (Dublin 15)
Friend of Baldoye Racecourse Community Garden (Baldoyle)
Helper at Balbriggan Summerfest with Balbriggan Integration Forum (Balbriggan)
General Volunteer with Fingal International Festival of Voices (Balbriggan)
Volunteer Stewards at Baldoyle May Festival with Baldoyle Forum Clg (Baldoyle)
Event planner with Children4WorldChildren (Dublin 15)
National Sunflower Day Collectors with St Francis Hospice Dublin (nationwide)
Balbriggan Tidy Towns Volunteer (Balbriggan)
Swords Tidy Towns Volunteer (Swords)
Handcare with St Francis Hospice Dublin (Dublin 15)
Volunteer Sales assistant with NCBI Retail (Skerries)
Shop assistant with Friends of Autism/ADHD Ltd (Balbriggan and Skerries)
Vincent’s Charity Shop Volunteer with Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Balbriggan)
Coach /General Volunteer with Blanch Blitzers (Special Olympics) (Dublin 15)
AXA Community Bike Ride Leader with Cycling Ireland (County wide)
Volunteer Stewards at Baldoyle May Festival with Baldoyle Forum Clg (Baldoyle)
Actor/Extra in Fingal Art Project with Fingal Arts Office ( Swords)
Foroige Club Leader with Foroige (Rush)
Foroige Club Leader with Foroige (Swords)
Foroige Club Leader with Foroige (Balbriggan)
Foroige Club Leader with Foroige (Naul)
Foroige Club Leader with Foroige (Lusk)
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