Garda Vetting Service
Need Garda Vetting? Let Fingal Volunteer Centre Help!
As part of Fingal Volunteer Centre’s commitment to support volunteering, we provide a Garda Vetting service for not-for-profit groups in the Fingal area. The service is available for organisations that wish to vet persons, but who do not have access to a Liaison Person within their own organisation.
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FAQ for Organisations about Garda Vetting
To get started with Garda Vetting you will need to contact us at the Fingal Volunteer Centre. We will guide you through the Garda vetting process from getting your organisation registered with the Garda vetting Bureau to have your staff or volunteers vetted.
To vet someone who is not carrying out relevant work is a breach of the Act and Data Protection, as you have requested potentially sensitive information without a legal basis to do so.
Yes. For all applications fully processed, Fingal Volunteer Centre charges €7.50 per application for Volunteers, and €15.00 per application for TUS, CE and staff.
Any staff member/ volunteer /worker who will be doing relevant work as a primary and regular part of their role
- Relevant work should not be incidental to their role, i.e. happening as a minor or secondary part of their role
As a larger number of vetting applications are being rejected by the Vetting Bureau. It is important to have CLEAR role descriptions, that specify how the applicant will work with Children or Vulnerable adults.
If the applicant does not interact with children or vulnerable adults as part of their role, and if interacting with children or vulnerable adults is only incidental: this person should NOT be vetted, and it is deemed an unlawful offence to do so.
Schedule 1, Part 1 and Part 2 defines relevant work:
- Part 1: relevant work or activities
relating to children (For the purposes of the Act a child is a person under the age of 18)
- Part 2: relevant work or activities
relating to vulnerable persons
A person, other than a child, who
- Is suffering from a disorder of the mind, whether as a result of mental illness or dementia,
- Has an intellectual disability,
- Is suffering from a physical impairment, whether as a result of injury, illness or age or
- Has a physical disability
Which is of such a nature or degree
- As to restrict the capacity of the person to guard himself or herself against harm by another person, or
- That results in the person requiring assistance with the activities of daily living including dressing, eating, walking, washing and bathing
We aim to have applications processed within 3 working days from the date of submission, once the applicant has completed the inviter link (applicant has 30 days to fill out the link), it takes approximately one to two weeks for the forms to be processed by the National Vetting Bureau and sent back to us, however, some applications can take longer than others.
Yes. A Garda vetting application that discloses a criminal record does not mean a person is ineligible to volunteer or work for you. Garda vetting is about staying informed and making decisions based on current information.
A disclosure is the name of the form that is returned to the organisation once the applicant has been vetted. It does not mean there is a criminal record disclosured, it is simply the name of the document. A disclosure cert is the final stage of the Garda vetting process and is valid for 3 years unless the role changes or the person changes organisation.
Specified information in relation to a person who is the subject of an application for a vetting disclosure, means information concerning a finding or allegation of harm to another person received by the National Vetting Bureau from An Garda Síochána or a Scheduled Organisation pursuant to section 19 of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016.
It is information that is considered to reasonably give rise to a bona fide concern that the vetting subject may
- harm any child or vulnerable person,
- cause any child or vulnerable person to be harmed,
- put any child or vulnerable person at risk of harm,
- attempt to harm any child or vulnerable person, or,
- incite another person to harm any child or vulnerable person.
Usefull Videos for Organisations
For more information on this service please contact gardavetting@volunteerfingal.ie or telephone 018991921.