What are the Fingal Managing Volunteers Award?
About the Award:
Fingal Managing Volunteers Awards – awards for groups involving volunteers.
The Awards is about promoting good volunteer management practice in Community and Voluntary Organisations across Fingal. The Award Scheme is a joint initiative of Fingal Volunteer Centre and Fingal County Council and acknowledges the significant contribution of voluntary and community organisation to enhancing the quality of life of their communities.

Any organisation that involves volunteers in their work can apply for the Fingal Managing Volunteers Award.
Organisations must be registered with both Fingal Volunteer Centre and Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office (PPN).
The first step is to register your interest for the award through the form available on the Fingal Volunteer Centre Website, https://volunteerfingal.ie/register-to-apply/
Once registered a member of staff will be in contact with you to get you started on your journey. When you are ready, the next step will be to complete a self-assessment application form.
Organisations who apply for the Fingal Managing Volunteers Award will receive advice, training, and resources from the Fingal Volunteer Centre.
During the Award process, your organisation will be supported to review (or develop) your volunteer management policies & practices and to identify any areas for improvement.
By the end of the journey, your organisation can expect to:
- Have participated in volunteer management training.
- Have written policies on how to engage, support, and value volunteers.
- Have clear role descriptions for every volunteer role.
- Have an agreed approach on how your organisation recognises and values every volunteer.
The Fingal Managing Volunteers Award is an acknowledgment of the efforts that your organisation has invested in supporting volunteers.
It allows you to highlight your organisation as a place that provides a meaningful, safe, and rewarding volunteer experience.
Successful organisations are presented with their Award at the annual Fingal Volunteer Centre’ Volunteer Recognition evening held in December.
In addition:
• You receive a certificate signed by the Mayor of Fingal and Fingal Volunteer Centre to show your achievement for level 1 or level 2. For level 3 you receive a plaque.
• You receive an official logo with the Award level you have achieved. You can use this personalised Award logo on your headed paper, web site and promotional material.
• Every organisation who achieves an Award level are listed on a roll of honour on the Fingal Volunteer Centre website and receives a prize of €100 (level 1), €200 (level 2) or €300 (level 3).
The Fingal Managing Volunteers Award is divided into three levels, each with five criteria for completion. Throughout the self assessment process, we’ll ask you to share how you meet each criterion by providing examples of your policies, procedures, and documentation. We aim to make this process straightforward and accessible for all applicants.
You might already have many of the criteria fulfilled in your existing practices, making you well-prepared for the application. Alternatively, if you’re just starting out, we are always happy to provide support and guidance throughout the application process.