01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie


National Volunteer Week 2020 

With the network of Volunteer Centres across the country, we are working hard on the response to COVID-19; supporting organisations and  volunteers and working with the Community Call. So many people have offered their support during this time, and along with the hundreds of thousands of people that volunteer throughout the year.

National Volunteering Week is a whole week dedicated to highlighting volunteering across Ireland and is run in partnership with the network of Volunteer Centres and Volunteering Information Services. This year it will be a huge celebration of how we all came together to support our friends, neighbours and communities during the toughest of times

We will also focus on showcasing the benefits of volunteering to the health and well-being of individuals and communities. We’ll also be giving tips and advice for volunteers and volunteer managers on how they can look after their own well-being. 

Happy National Volunteering Week!

We would like to say a special to Conor Kinsella for the introduction footage for this video. 

You can see more by Conor Kinsella here

National Volunteer Week 2020 Events

Managers Virtual Coffee Morning

September 23rd 2020 at 11.00-12.00pm

Join us for Fingal Volunteer Centres Mental health awareness virtual event on September 24th 2020 at 6.00-700pm

Virtual Outreach Drop in Service

Are you interested in volunteering or have questions about volunteering? If you do, Please Join us for the Launch of Fingal Volunteer Centres virtual volunteer drop in service on September 25th at 12.00-1.00pm

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