01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie

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About Fingal County

Relevant geographical and socio-economic factors in Fingal

  • The Population of Fingal was 273,051 at the last Census (2011), a 13.8% increase compared with a national average of 9%
  • Fingal is home to nearly 6% of the country’s population, Fingal is now the third-largest county by population in Ireland (After Dublin City and Cork County.
  • The average age in Fingal is 30.5 years old, making it the youngest county in Ireland (2006).
  • Over 27% of the population is under 18 years of age.
  • Fingal is 452.7 sq.km in area.
  • Fingal has 13 secondary schools with a student populace of 16,788 (2006)
  • Blanchardstown Institute of Technology is the only 3rd level college in Fingal
  • The largest urban areas in Fingal are Blanchardstown, Swords, and Balbriggan. Other major areas include Malahide, Portmarnock, Skerries, Lusk and Rush.
  • There are now in excess of 40,128 non Irish nationality and Settled people living in Fingal. This makes Fingal a significantly demographically diverse county, which also includes a significant Traveller population (2006)
  • Dublin Airport is located in Fingal and the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) is one of the major employers in the area along with Abbott,

There are approximately 5,500 business in Fingal and it is home to international companies including IBM, Astellas, Kelloggs, Hertz, Bristol Myers Squibb and eBay. Dublin Airport is within Fingal. Locally, it connects businesses to the Dublin City Region via a rapidly expanding integrated transport network. Businesses also benefit from well developed road infrastructure and close proximity to two sea ports in Dublin and Dun Laoghaire.

Socio-economic factors in Fingal: Administrative Arrangements
There are two Partnership companies operating within Fingal, which, together, cover the whole county. These are Blanchardstown Area Partnership and Fingal Leader Partnership. The County Childcare Committee area covers the entire county.

Absolute and Relative DeprivationBailey Lighthouse
Overall, the Dublin Region is the second most affluent region of Ireland, and Fingal is the second most affluent local authority area within the region, making it the second most affluent county in Ireland as a whole.  As is the case in any of the major urban areas, there are considerable differences in the relative affluence and deprivation between various parts of the county. The most affluent areas being Castleknock and Malahide situated towards the South and East of the county. The most disadvantaged areas being original Blanchardstown Partnership area along with some areas of Swords and Balbriggan serviced by Fingal LEADER Partnership.

Following the redefinition of partnership areas in what has come to be known as the ‘Cohesion Process’, the Blanchardstown Partnership area has an overall relative affluence score of 7.5 and the Fingal Leader Partnership area of 11.0.

Ireland has experienced a population growth of 20.3% over the past fifteen years and the Dublin Region has grown by 15.8%. Fingal’s population, by contrast, has grown by a rate of 57.1% over the same period, making it the fastest growing county in Ireland.  Whilst almost every area within the county has seen considerable growth, there are nevertheless some differences, Blanchardstown Area Partnership has experienced a growth of 81.3 per cent, Fingal Leader Partnership area experienced a growth of 45.3%.

Social Class Composition
In Fingal, the proportion in the professional classes (38.2%) and the proportion in the lower skilled professions (13.6%) are at the upper end of class composition, making Fingal the second highest amongst all counties. The rates for Blanchardstown Area Partnership are 35.8 % and Fingal Leader 39.7%. Unemployment Male unemployment rates for Fingal have fallen at a lower rate than the nationally prevailing ones between 1991 and 2006 (-6.7% male / -4.2% female compared to -9.6% male / -6.0% female nationally), but remained below the nationally prevailing rates in 2006 at 7.4% male unemployment and 7.9% female unemployment

Voluntary Activity:
According to the 2006 Census, the total population of persons involved in one (or more) voluntary activity totaled 27,538. The number of volunteer registrations for 2009 increased by 66.6% on 2008 total and is reflective of the current economic climate outlining the need for the services of the volunteer centre. 2009 Main areas of Interest at the time of Registration:

  1. Not Sure
  2. Youth / Children
  3. Education and Literacy
  4. Office
  5. Animals

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