01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie

Apply Fingal Managing Volunteers Awards

About the Awards:
Fingal Managing Volunteers Awards – awards for groups involving volunteers

The Awards is about Promoting Good Volunteer Management Practice in Community and voluntary Organisations Across Fingal County. The Award Scheme is part of the Fingal Volunteer Centre’s and Fingal County. Council’s activities that was launched back in 2011 and has been running since. The Awards is intended to acknowledge groups who, through their commitment to voluntary and community activities, have played a significant role in enhancing the
quality of life of their communities across Fingal. Any organisation that involves volunteers in their work can apply for the awards. As. Part of the awards Organisations involving volunteers have the opportunity to apply for the award by completing the five indicators and the Fingal Volunteer Centre provide support, training and online resources for all groups working towards the Awards.

Volunteering can happen both informally and formally. Fingal Managing Volunteer Awards ensures that groups who wish or already involve volunteers in their work, have good volunteer management systems in place and are a safe place to volunteer therefore both protecting the service user and volunteer.

Toolkit & Award Criteria
The toolkit is available for organisations who wish to apply for the award and provides a useful template and base for organisations wishing to apply at the various levels of the award.

To view the self-assessment toolkit and review the criteria for level 1, 2, and 3 of the award click here FMVA_Self_Assessment 1

To Apply

To apply and for further details on the scheme please contact the centre manager at: Info@volunteerfingal.ie

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