01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie


Newsletter March 2021


Newsletter March 2021


we hope you’re keeping well.

Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea.

Latest news from Fingal Volunteer Centre:

  • Virtual Outreach programme: If you’re interested in meeting virtually one member of our team please join us in our Virtual Coffee morning on Zoom or book a one-to-one Zoom appointment (see below);
  • Volunteer Testimonials: a great way to share your volunteer stories (see below);
  • Volunteer Opportunities: the latest volunteer opportunities available on I-VOL. Please remember to check their location and time frame before applying (See below);
  • Fingal Letter Campaign: a concrete support to tackle social isolation of elderly people in nursing homes (see below);
  • Volunteer hours: let us discover if you’ve been volunteering or not, you can log in on your profile and register your hours on I-VOL (link below);
  • Facebook likes: we’re very active on FB or at least we try to be…check our page and like us if you feel it!


Next week is our Outreach week for the month of March. During Outreach week you get the chance to have a Zoom meeting with Chiara, our Placement and Outreach officer.


It might be a good occasion for you to have a chat about available volunteer opprortunities, receive support in applying for roles and clarifying any doubt you might have.

Check the schedule for the Fingal Volunteer Centre Virtual Outreach Programme for March 2021!


To check the dates and book your FREE ticket please click here:




Virtual Outreach Programme



Have you been volunteering? Become a Volunteer Testimonial!


In Fingal Volunteer Centre we are always interested in hearing from volunteers and capturing the essence of volunteering by getting feedback about their volunteer experience.

We’ve created a Volunteer Testimonials page to capture their volunteer story and experience. If you’ve been volunteering and you’d like to tell your story please reply back to this email and we’ll be in touch with you or email Chiara at chiara@volunteerfingal.ie


We look forward to your volunteer stories!

New roles are added to our database on a regular basis and you may also view them yourself on I-VOL before you receive our next newsletter.

We are working from home so to cover all applications and registrations. Our monthly Outreach programme in local libraries has been postponed until further notice.

Your safety and limiting the spread of the Coronavirus being the main priority, we continue to encourage you to adhere to HSE instructions on how best to avoid COVID-19, both in the work environment and at home.

Please bear in mind that we’re constantly working with not profit and charity organisations and there will be more roles on I-VOL in the coming weeks.

We’ve partnered up with several nursing homes, both in county Dublin and county Fingal, for our Fingal Letter Campaign.


The idea is to recruit as many volunteeers as possible willing to post letters, drawings, poems or whatever you can think of, to the residents of the nursing homes.


Would you like to take part in this project?


You might even decide to involve your small ones and ask them to be creative and prepare a drawing or something!


Great news: there won’t be any need to add a stamp on your letters since An Post agreed in sending them for free if addressed to nursing homes!


To read more and take part please click here:


Fingal Letter Campaign


Please let us know if you’ve been volunteering during this Covid-19 crisis and how was your experience. We’d love to learn more about your involvement and, maybe, collect your feedback and stories.


If you’ve been volunteering please click here to access your volunteer profile and register your volunteering hours and stories:


I know, not so many people use Facebook nowadays but we do. And we find it brilliant to share news, new volunteer opportunities, promote events and share videos/pictures.


If you’re still an ‘aficionados’ and like to browse Facebook and receive our updates, why don’t you give us a Like?!

We’d love to count you among our many…FB friends!


Click here to give us a Thumb up:

Fingal Volunteer Centre- Facebook



Need a grocery order collected or prescription picked up? Feeling vulnerable & isolated? Or just want to talk.

The Fingal Community Response are here to help.

Call any day 8am to 8pm
Freephone 1-800-459 059
Phone: 01-890 5000
Email: covidsupport@fingal



Before considering volunteering ask yourself – Am I well enough to volunteer?

Your safety and limiting the spread of the coronavirus being the main priority, Volunteer Centres continue to encourage you to adhere to HSE instructions on how best to avoid COVID-19, both in the work environment and at home.

Follow us and like us on our Social Media, we’ll follow you back:

Facebook Twitter Instagram

Our VISION is for a vibrant Irish society where every person feels connected to their community through active participation in voluntary activities.

Our MISSION is to promote the value of volunteering and and increase the range and quality of volunteering in Ireland.

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