Hi Chiara
We hope you’re keeping well.
Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea.
Latest news from Fingal Volunteer Centre:
- Quick survey for you: Barriers to volunteering! Please fill it in (see below);
- Virtual Outreach Programme: What about a Zoom or in person chat about volunteering with Megan? (see below);
- Community Volunteers: our project to support the local community at events and emergency response (see below);
- Volunteer Opportunities: the latest volunteer opportunities available on I-VOL. Please remember to check their location and time frame before applying (see below);
Survey on Barriers to volunteering!
Thank you for your showing interest in participating in this survey that aims at finding out the barriers faced by immigrants/refugees/displaced persons in volunteering.
By participating in survey you are agreeing to provide honest answers and you will remain anonymous.
To fill in the survey please click here.
Outreach Programme
If you’d like to have a one to one chat with Megan, the Outreach Programme is what you’re looking for.
To book a Zoom/Phone call or in person meeting in your local library with Megan please email her at megan@volunteerfingal.ie to agree on a day/time (or reply to this email).
Please find below the available appointments days:
Every Tuesday:
Times available
11.00 am -4.30 pm
Every Wednesday:
Times available
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Every Thursday:
Times available
10.00 am -1.00 pm
If you’d like to book a session please email Megan at megan@volunteerfingal.ie or reply to this email.
Community Volunteers
Fingal Volunteer Centre is proud to be actively taking part in the project of Community Volunteers.
Community Volunteers is a program to support events and urgent needs in our local community and we’re looking for more people to join us.
Would you like to sign up?
The project will give people the opportunity to get involved in local events and festivals while also supporting more urgent needs that arise unexpectedly, like the community response to COVID-19.
As a volunteer you’ll receive an in depth training on volunteering at event and in emergency response and you’ll become part of a selected panel of Community Volunteers.
We’d love to involve you, so why not sign up?
To sign up please click here: Community Volunteers
Environmental Opportunities on I-VOL
1) Balbriggan Tidy Towns Volunteer with Balbriggan Tidy Towns Association (Balbriggan)
2) Litter picker volunteer- Malahide with Malahide Tidy Towns (Malahide)
3) Tidy Towns Volunteer with Blanchardstown Tidy Towns (Dublin 15)
4) Portmarnock Tidy Towns volunteer with Portmarnock Tidy Towns (Portmarnock)
5) Swords Tidy Towns Volunteer with Swords Tidy Towns (Swords)
6) Canal Clean-Up Volunteer with Royal Canal Clean-Up Group – Fingal (Castleknock)

Volunteer Opportunities on I-VOL
1) Stewarding at a Fleadh in Balbriggan with Dublin Comhaltas (Balbriggan)
2) Research Volunteer with The Kebam (From home)
3) Financial volunteer with Tolka River Project (Dublin 15)
4) Community Gardening Co-ordinator with Mountview Fortlawn Community (Dublin 15)
5) Girl Guide Leader / Unit leader with Irish Girl Guides (Balbriggan)
6) Volunteers for Supporting Adults with Disability with Caring and Sharing Association (CASA) (Various locations in North Dublin)
7) Tutor and Support Worker with Loving and Affectionate Family (Dublin 15)
8) Research with Parents/guardians of teenagers with Public Health & Primary Care TCD (Remote)
9) Workshop Attendee Volunteer with VSI – Voluntary Service International (Online)
10) Driver / Escort with Irish Wheelchair Association with Irish Wheelchair Association Clontarf – Youth service (Dublin 3)
11) Befriender – Artane Hub with St Michael’s House (Dublin 5)
12) Festival Event Invigilator with Five Lamps Arts Festival (Dublin 1)
13) Social Media and Marketing Volunteer with Aunua Global (From home)
14) Administration Volunteer with Last Hope Animal Charity (From home)
15) Golf Buddy with St Michael’s House (Blanchardstown)
16) Activities Support Volunteer with St Michael’s House (Santry, Dublin 9)
17) Foster Kitty Visitor with The Cat and Dog Protection Association of Ireland (CDPA) (Around Dublin)
18) After School Assistant for OASIS programme with Barnardos (Mulhuddart, Dublin 15)
19) Befriender Volunteer with St Michael’s House (Raheny, Dublin 5)
20) Telephone Support Volunteer with ALONE North East (From home)
21) Volunteer “Navigator” with EU Navigate Consortium (Dublin county)
22) Board Director with Finance Experience with Fingal community and recreation Services CLG (Dublin 15)

Fingal Volunteer Centre Join our project: Community Volunteers |