Minister Kyne announced on 22nd of March 2018 the launchof TrustIE – a pilot project aimed at supporting smaller local charities around board recruitment.
Mr Sean Kyne T.D. Minister of State at the Department of Rural & Community Development today announced the allocation of 20,000 euro for the roll out of TrustIE, a pilot programme aimed at helping smaller charities in recruiting voluntary trustees or directors.
The Minister conggratulated the Volunteer Centres for taking the initiative in developing this pilot project , which is aimed at raising awareness of the challenges and opportunities facing Trustees.
The Minister added that ”withthe modernisation of governance requirements in the Charity sector it is now more important thatn ever that Charities the the right Trustees with the right skill sets serving on their Boards”. The Minister added that ”the role local Volunteer Centres can play speaks volumes for their awareness of the needs of local gorups and the valuable contribution they make at the community level”.
The project involves a series of workshops fort both charities and potential volunteers; covering good governance, recruitment strategies and board rolds and responsibilities. TrustIE will also include a volunteer matching service to help smaller charities find trustees who have the right mix of skills and experience. The project will be carried out by the Dublin, Cork, Galway Volunteer Centres and will be reviewed with the Departmetn of Rural & Community Development on completion later this year.