01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie


Guiding Principles and Values

VolunteeringOur understanding of volunteering is that: 

  • Volunteering is always a matter of choice and is done of the volunteers\’ own free will and without coercion.
  • Volunteering is a legitimate way in which citizens can participate in the activities of their community.
  • Volunteering benefits both the community and the volunteer and gives people a sense of ownership of their local community.
  • Voluntary work is unpaid.
  • Volunteering is a vehicle for individuals or groups to address human, environmental and social needs.

We believe that:

  • Volunteers should be treated with respect and dignity.
  • Everyone should have an equal opportunity to volunteer.
  • Volunteering should respect the rights, dignity and culture of others.
  • Everyone should have a positive experience of volunteering.
  • Volunteering should be a “win – win” situation for both the volunteer and the organisation.

Therefore, we are committed to:

  • Promoting the value of volunteering to all sectors of the local community.
  • Offering a service that will be inclusive, accessible and high quality.
  • Serving as best we can every volunteer who accesses our service and ensuring that volunteers are the focus of our work.
  • Resourcing and supporting volunteers to make informed choices about volunteering, maintaining relevant, up-to-date information on volunteering opportunities.
  • Developing new opportunities and projects involving volunteers in their local community
  • Referring volunteers to a wide range of community and voluntary projects across all sectors of the community.
  • Working with organisations so that they can achieve best practice principles in volunteer management.
  • Ensuring that volunteers do not replace paid workers nor constitute a threat to the job security of paid workers.
  • Promoting the principles of equity and participation within the volunteer sector.
  • Raising the profile of volunteering in organisations, government and the community in general.

See also the Universal Declaration on Volunteering

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