01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie

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Check out the Dublin Volunteer Centres Supports 2014



Check out our free and cost effective volunteer management supports

We are delighted to present a number of volunteer management supports which are available to Volunteer Ireland from the four Dublin Volunteer Centres; Dublin CityDun Laoghaire-RathdownFingal and South Dublin
Four module Volunteer Management Training 
Our four module training course in now available across Dublin in two formats; either two days or four evenings. Six courses run from this month until November. 
Dublin Volunteer Managers Forum 
Designed to compliment our Volunteer Management Training Courses, these quarterly Managers Forums are an opportunity to meet with other like minded volunteer managers, paid and unpaid to discuss topics affecting those who manage volunteers. 
These free to attend forums include a presentation on a volunteer management topic selected by participants. These forums are interactive in their format and take place across Dublin city and county. Our next forum takes place in Malahide Library on Tuesday 4 March 2014.
Dublin Volunteer Management Seminar 
As part of National Volunteering Week 2014 (May 12 to 18) we are delighted to present the third Dublin Volunteer Management Seminar which takes place in Citi, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1 on Tuesday 13 May 2014, this year the event is organised in conjunction with Volunteer Ireland and we are delighted to welcome Tom McKee from the U.S. to speak at the seminar. 
Tom McKee is president of VolunteerPower. He has over 40 years of experience in volunteer leadership. He has addressed over 1 million people spanning three continents – Africa, Europe and the U.S. Over the past 40 years he has trained over 100,000 leaders how to manage the chaos of change in an organisation 
For more information on any of these events please see the attached programme

New areas for Dublin Volunteer Centres

Update on Dublin City Volunteer Centre 
An exciting new development in the world of volunteering has taken place with the merger of Dublin City North and Dublin City South Volunteer Centres to form Dublin City Volunteer Centre. The new centre will cover the whole Dublin city area. 
The office of Dublin City Volunteer Centre is 76 Thomas Street, Dublin 8, telephone: (01) 473 7482. A new website will be available shortly. To follow the centre on Facebook
Don’t forget to put those dates in your diaries now and we look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. 
If you are not sure which Volunteer Centre works with your organisation please check out our map.

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