01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie


Newsletter November 2021


Newsletter November 2021


we hope you’re keeping well.

Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea.

Latest news from Fingal Volunteer Centre:


  • Town clean up in Swords this Saturday: what about wearing your gardening gloves and joining us in Swords this satutrday the 13th? Check below for more info;
  • Fingal Inclusion Week: free information session event for you on Thurs 18th, see below;
  • Community Volunteers: our brand new project to support the local community (see below);
  • Virtual Outreach Programme: a good way to have a chat with other volunteers and our Placement and Outreach officer. There is a Volunteer Coffee morning on Zoom this Friday, what about joining us?;
  • Volunteer Testimonials: a great way to share your volunteer stories (see below);
  • Volunteer Opportunities: the latest volunteer opportunities available on I-VOL. Please remember to check their location and time frame before applying (see below);
  • Fingal Letter Campaign: a concrete support to tackle social isolation of elderly people in nursing homes (see below);
  • Volunteer hours: let us discover if you’ve been volunteering or not, you can log in on your profile and register your hours on I-VOL (link below);
  • Facebook likes: we’re very active on FB or at least we try to be…check our page and like us if you feel it!


We’ll be out again! this time is Swords and it’ll be a town clean up together with Swords Tidy Towns.


This Sat 13th of November we’ll hit to roads and parks in Swords and support the local community with some litter picking and flowers planting.


Would you like to be part of our green-fingered group?

EVENT: Town Clean up in Swords

DATE: Sat 13th Nov 2021

TIME: 11am-1pm

TOWN: Swords

MEETING POINT: Carpark ColourTrend, opposite of the Garda Station on Main street, Swords


For more info and to register click here


We believe that volunteering can foster inclusion and that it is open to everyone, whatever activity we might be involved with or cause we’d like to support.

This year, we’re taking part in Fingal Inclusion Week with the free online event “Why not volunteer in your local community?!”.


The event is an information session during which we’ll present our work and services in the community na dhow to get started in volunteering.

Would you like to participate?

EVENT: Why not volunteer in your local community?!

DATE: Thurs 18th Nov 2021
TIME: 6-7pm
VENUE: Online on Zoom

Why not volunteer in your local community?! FREE TICKETS

Please click here for more events during Fingal Inclusion Week.


Fingal Volunteer Centre is proud to be actively taking part in the new project of Community Volunteers.


Community Volunteers is a program to support events and urgent needs in our local community and we’re looking for more people to join us.


Would you like to sign up?

The project will give people the opportunity to get involved in local events and festivals while also supporting more urgent needs that arise unexpectedly, like the community response to COVID-19.

As a volunteer you’ll receive an in depth training on volunteering at event and in emergency response and you’ll become part of a selected panel of Community Volunteers.

WE’D LOVE TO INVOLVE YOU, SO WHY NOT SIGN UP? To sign up plese click here: Community Volunteers


Would you like to virtually meet up with other volunteers? It might be a good chance to exchange your volunteering experiences and discover different roles.


If so, the Volunteer Coffee Morning might be for you!


It’s this Friday at 11am on Zoom:


Volunteer Coffee Morning- Book your free ticket


If you’d prefer having a one to one chat with Chiara, our Placement and Outreach officer, the Virtual Drop in sessions might be what you’re looking for.


Here you can find the list of available dates: Virtual Drop in sessions

Please bear in mind that we’re constantly working with not profit and charity organisations and there will be more roles on I-VOL in the coming weeks.

Follow us and like us on our Social Media, we’ll follow you back:

Facebook Twitter Instagram

Our VISION is for a vibrant Irish society where every person feels connected to their community through active participation in voluntary activities.

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