01 899 1921 | info@volunteerfingal.ie


Newsletter March 2020



Newsletter March 2020



we hope you’re keeping well.

Please bear in mind we’re constantly working with not for profit and charity organisations on various roles that volunteers are required to fill. The roles are added to our database on a regular basis and you my also view them yourself on I-VOL before you receive our next newsletter.

Luckily some parts of the country have not been affected as much as others and opportunities to volunteer locally with the COVID-19 response may not yet be available in your area right now but they will come when the need arises.

We are working from home so to cover all applications and registrations. Our monthly Outreach programme in local libraries has been postponed until further notice.

Your safety and limiting the spread of the Coronavirus being the main priority, we continue to encourage you to adhere to HSE instructions on how best to avoid COVID-19, both in the work environment and at home.


You can select any role, view the full role description and apply for the role. Your application will come back to us here in the Fingal Volunteer Centre and a staff member will contact you to advise you on what happens next.

It’s important to note that not all volunteers who contact us will be assigned to a role. We are dealing with a large volume of volunteer registrations from people interested in helping so not all offers of help will be facilitated as the supply may be more than the demand.

There is also a possibility that none of the roles from this list might be suitable to you. We are currently working with a number of groups both in county and nationally and hope to have more roles where there is such a need.

Please check below for some Covid-19 related volunteer opportunities and some more long term opportunities:

COVID-19 Related Volunteer Opportunities


1) Drivers – Irish Red Cross Kildare

The Irish Red Cross has a great need for drivers in the Red Cross, particularly C1 licenced drivers, and anyone who has any PHECC Certificates – CFR, FAR, EFR, EMT etc.

2) Civil Defence Volunteer Louth Region

The Civil Defence is searching for more volunteers to help in this huge emergency. Volunteers will be trained in: first aid, searching for missing people, water safety, pumping flood waters and radio communications.

3) COVID 19 – Telephone Support Volunteer with Alone

An ALONE telephone support volunteer provides a friendly check in calls to a designated list of older person. This is to help ensure that older people are not isolated and are safe and well in their home.

4) Musician/Singer To Host Online Sing-a-long for our Self-Isolating Members

Many of our members are self-isolating in their own homes and we would like to bring them together again online, for group chats, catch-ups and a fun sing-a-long. We would welcome a musical volunteer who can lead the sing-a-long – preferably providing their own accompaniment.

5) ***LETTER APPEAL*** from Falcarrach Community Hospital- Countrywide

If you or your children would like to send us a letter, poem or drawing and the residents would be delighted to see them! This would benefit residents and continue to lift their spirits along with providing those of you with small children a little activity to do.

6) COVID-19: Fundraising Volunteer with Making Connections

We are seeking a skilled fundraising volunteer to help support our new initiative.

This volunteer will be asked to bring creative ideas to the team and help us generate funds quickly and effectively.

7) COVID-19: Testing Centre Escort with Kildare Volunteer Centre

To escort people being tested for Covid 19, from their car. The people will have an appointment and security will allow them into the car park.
The volunteer will hand the person a mask and take their personal details. The volunteer will then escort the person into the Testing Centre.

8) Covid-19 Meals On Wheels Driver with Trinity Community Care ( North Dublin area)

In response to the Covid-19 restrictions we have experienced an increased demand for our services and need an additional few drivers to help us deliver meals in the north Dublin area.

9) COVID19 Technical Support with Drogheda Community Services Trust 

We are seeking the assistance of volunteer(s) in identifying a technical solution which would enable us to connect our volunteer counsellors with clients virtually/remotely.


Before considering volunteering ask yourself – Am I well enough to volunteer?
Your safety and limiting the spread of the coronavirus being the main priority, Volunteer Centres continue to encourage you to adhere to HSE instructions on how best to avoid COVID-19, both in the work environment and at home.

If you are well enough and wish to volunteer there are 2 mains ways which you may be able to help
The first way is by contacting and registering with your local Volunteer Centre. The network of Volunteer Centres across Ireland are expecting many COVID-19 related roles registering on our database www.i-vol.ie in the coming days and some roles will be directly related to COVID 19 support. Other roles for volunteers may be related to helping community organisations to keep normal services running. You can also contact your local Volunteer Centre directly to speak to someone about what is needed most in your own area – you can find their information here.

The second way to help is by doing so informally in you own community
If you know people in your community who may be vulnerable and can contact them safely (e.g. phone call, whatsapp, drop note into door), just let them know that you are available and can assist with shopping etc.
Do not assume that someone needs help or call directly to someone’s house unannounced, as some people may be very anxious about making face to face contact, particularly if they have a medical condition or are living alone.

What if someone asks me do something I can’t actually do?
In this case you should let the person know that you cannot help and recommend that the Volunteer Centre may be able to assist in finding a solution.

It’s REALLY important to note that not all volunteers who contact us will be assigned to a role. We are dealing with a large volume of volunteer registrations from people interested in helping (Ireland is a great country that really pulls together in times of crisis) so not all offers of help will be facilitated as the supply may be more than the demand.

Also – if you don’t hear back from us in the next few days, don’t worry – we know that we will need support over the next few weeks – not necessarily the next few days.

For more long term volunteer roles please check I-VOLhttps://www.i-vol.ie/advanced-search/

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Our VISION is for a vibrant Irish society where every person feels connected to their community through active participation in voluntary activities.

Our MISSION is to promote the value of volunteering and and increase the range and quality of volunteering in Ireland.

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