Newsletter September 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter September 2020 Hi, we hope you’re keeping well. Thank you to all volunteers who attended our events during National Volunteering Week 2020. It’s been amazing to see you there, even virtually! and we look forward to seeing you again in future virtual events. National Volunteering Week gave us the […]
Newsletter July 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter July 2020 Hi, We hope you’re keeping well. Thank you to all volunteers who attended our first Fingal Virtual Volunteer expo last week. It’s been a huge success and we’ll definitely organise another one in the coming months. On a different note, if you’ve been volunteering […]
Newsletter June 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter June 2020 Hi, we hope you’re keeping well. We are thrilled to invite you all to our first Fingal Virtual Volunteer Expo on Thursday the 23rd of July 2020 from 6pm to 7pm on Zoom! We’ll be there presenting our new projects and 4 charity organisations presenting their work and active […]
Newsletter May 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter May 2020 Hi, we hope you’re keeping well. We’d like to start our newsletter with a huge Thank you to all the people who are volunteering at the moment and giving their support in any way they can. Delivery shopping, medicines to people who’ve been cocooning or […]
Newsletter April 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter April 2020 Hi, we hope you’re keeping well. Volunteer Ireland has launched a #volunteerfromhome campaign, encouraging people to volunteer from home during the current pandemic. Please check below to find some Covid-19 related volunteer roles online or from home. Further down, you’ll find more general and long term […]
Newsletter March 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter March 2020 Hi, we hope you’re keeping well. Please bear in mind we’re constantly working with not for profit and charity organisations on various roles that volunteers are required to fill. The roles are added to our database on a regular basis and you my […]
Newsletter February 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter February 2020 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea. Latest news from Fingal Volunteer […]
Newsletter January 2020
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter January 2020 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea. Latest news from Fingal Volunteer […]
Newsletter November 2019
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter November 2019 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea. Latest news from Fingal Volunteer […]
Newsletter October 2019
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter October 2019 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea. Latest news from Fingal Volunteer Centre: Outreach […]
Newsletter September 2019
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter September 2018 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea. Latest news from […]
Newsletter August 2019
THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter August 2019 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your cup of tea. Latest news from Fingal Volunteer Centre: […]
Newsletter July 2019
PDF Download – Newsletter July 2019 THE LATEST NEWS FROM FINGAL VOLUNTEER CENTRE Newsletter July 2019 Here is our monthly newsletter filled with News, updates and a list of recent volunteer opportunities. Please scroll down to see their role descriptions and remember there are many more on I-VOL if the listed ones are not your […]